

28 aprile 2017
– Cari amici, nell’apprendere che l’amico Eichberg è volato tra gli “ iperborei” a portare la filosofia, che lui aveva infuso nella International Sport and Culture Association , fin da quel primo incontro nel Castello di Valdemaro, in Svendborg, dal 30 giugno al 3 luglio nel 1994, mi procura un grande dolore, ma al contempo mi consola nel capire che noi possiamo anche lasciare il campo soddisfatti, nella consapevolezza di aver realizzato una importante parte di un grande progetto. L‘idea di Henning, che lo sport fosse l’espressione unificante della cultura popolare ogni dove sulla terra e che, derivante dal gioco di tradizione, fosse anche l’enzima fondamentale per determinare il clima della festa, dalle antiche” Panatenee” alle odierne “Landshaevne”, ha trovato infatti un grandissimo riscontro nella nascita, nello sviluppo e nel consolidamento di un movimento internazionale, come quello dell’ISCA, che dopo 23 anni è divenuta la più grande organizzazione di sport e cultura nel mondo, con decine e decine di milioni di persone coinvolte direttamente, nella prospettiva di affratellare l’intera umanità nello “Joyful spirit”, che rappresenta la sintesi della straordinaria esperienza di uno studioso geniale, come era e per noi rimane il prof. Eichberg. Nel proseguire della nostra comune storia, in onore dell’amico filosofo Henning, vi propongo di dedicargli una sessione speciale di analisi, studio e approfondimento in occasione del prossimo Congresso dell’ISCA e di intitolargli un “riconoscimento”/borsa di studio internazionale annuale da mettere a concorso tra tutti i giovani studenti universitari del mondo, che vogliano orientare le proprie tesi sul tema “sport e cultura”.
Un abbraccio a tutti!
Dear friends, in learning that his friend Eichberg flew among the “hyperboreos” to bring the philosophy that he had infused in the International Sport and Culture Association since that first meeting in Valdemar’s Castle of Svendborg, from 30 June to 3 July In 1994, gives me a great deal of pain, but at the same time consoles me to understand that we can also leave the field happy, knowing that we have achieved a major part of a big project. The idea of Henning that sport was the unifying expression of popular culture everywhere on earth and which, deriving from tradition play, was also the fundamental enzyme to determine the climate of the party, from the ancient “Panatenee” to today’s “Landshaevne” has found a great response to the birth, development and consolidation of an international movement such as the ISCA, which after 23 years has become the largest organization of sports and culture in the world with dozens and dozens Of the millions of people directly involved, in the prospect of bridging the whole of humanity in the Joyful Spirit, which represents the synthesis of the extraordinary experience of a genius scholar as it was and for us remains prof. Eichberg. In the pursuit of our common history, in honor of my philosopher-philosopher Henning, I propose to devote a special session of analysis, study and study on the occasion of the next Congress of the ISCA and to name him an “international recognition” / international scholarship from To put together all the young university students in the world who want to orient their theses on “sport and culture”.
Hugs to all!
Dear ISCA Friends
I am sad to inform that Prof Dr Henning Eichberg died last Saturday. (1.12.1942 – 22.4.2017).
Henning was often called the “philosophical father of ISCA” and he contributed to the foundation of ISCA exactly from this position as researcher in people, culture, democracy and Sport for All. Henning joined many of the first meetings in the process of founding ISCA and he was as well represented at the first formal meeting of ISCA Latin America which took place in Vila la Angostura, Argentina in 1998.
Henning was born in Schlesien DDR (East Germany), his family moved to Hamburg in 1950, and he moved to Denmark in 1982. He was extremely productive and published several books and hundreds of articles in journals in 17 different languages. Two books in particular are related to our work and that’s the “The People of Democracy” and not least “Bodily Democracy – Towards a philosophy of Sport for All”.
With the death of Henning we lost the ‘ISCA philosopher’ but the playful, democratic and joyful spirit remain.
The funeral will take place tomorrow (Saturday 29 April). I will represent ISCA and we have in the spirit of Henning Eichberg donated an amount to the “Society for Threatened Peoples” www.gfbv.de/en
Regards, Mogens
“Bodily Democracy – Towards a philosophy of Sport for All”:
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